Whether you need to calculate the volume of stockpiles, measure the extraction volume of a quarry or estimate the volume of a building, we have your best solution. We can now compute volumes instantly from any device using data gathered quickly and easily via aerial drone – eliminating complex and time-consuming manual measurement and GPS ‘walks’. Accurate and timely volume calculations are critical across a wide range of industries including mining, construction, processing and manufacturing.
Prices start from £350.00 per Map.
• Survey of challenging sites such as quarries, sand pits, landfills, coal stockpiles, etc.
• Point cloud generation
• Volume calculation
• GM creation
• Creation of location and inventory plans
• Creation of topographic images
• Evidence gathering for court cases
• Documentation of construction progress
• Inner-city survey
• Aerial photographs
• Inspection tasks
Prior the development of the use of drones the specialists only has images collected by satellites or pictures taken by manned aircrafts whose implementation involved sizable costs and effort.
The great advantages of geospatial data collected by drone, compared to the satellites or manned aircrafts, are:
We can create a fully 3D real time model of almost any site and turn it into a Virtual Reality 360 experience using a VR head set.
Egg Air had the pleasure of mapping Middlesbrough Cathedral for Middlesbrough council with over 500 images taken. Producing a 360 vr Realtime view of the Cathedral.
Middlesbrough Cathedral fully mapped for future generations.
We offer full 360 degree high-res Pans from the sky. Please get in touch for details.
Our sister company www.xcytemedia.co.uk
Feel free to get in touch to talk about you’re filming using our Contact Form or if you would like to make an appointment we’re happy to meet up!
EGG AIR 56 Applegarth, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 0UY, United Kingdom
0333 21 01642
0191 46 27 662
0113 347 7266
01904 295 277